AhlmanEdu is a multidisciplinary vocational school and farm with a history spanning over 200 years. The school has a wide range of trainings such as agriculture, landscaping, travel, arts and crafts, eSports, game design and many others.
Offering innovative training methods, tasty local food, a pleasant environment and friendly service, AhlmanEdu farm and campus is uniquely situated within Tampere City, the largest inland city in the Nordic region. AhlmanEdu is a notable regional food sector, travel and business developer. The farm maintains finncattle genetic lineages, produces local dairy and meat products and experiments with regenerative soilfoodweb and Holistic Management methods.
Role in the project
AhlmanEdu participates in Tampere Fusilli team and connects the project to a pre-existing municipal Food Policy Council (Pirkanmaan Ruokafoorumi) with its network of food system actors and a knowledge sharing platform (www.parastapirkanmaalta.fi). Within the farm campus, AhlmanEdu develops soilfoodweb-based manure composting methods and biointensive raised-bed market gardening. The compost-based garden will be a participatory living lab for students, urban farmers and food enthusiasts.
Antti Luomala
+358 50 408 6708