Tampere signs the MUFPP
City of Tampere has signed an international commitment to develop a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable food system Tampere has signed an international commitment the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact which is launched by the City of Milan in 2015 and...
Blog: A Copernican revolution – the 10 E’s of Rome’s effective multi-stakeholder Living Lab
At the EASST-4s Conference Parallel session held as part of FUSILLI’s Feeding Cities Conference, Rome presented the scheme they used to implement the innovative actions and policies that the FUSILLI project had foreseen for the project duration. The Rome FUSILLI...
What Steps Can Tampere Take to Protect Food Production from Climate Risks?
The City of Tampere has commissioned a vulnerability analysis, published in January 2024, to assess the impact of climate change risks on the vulnerability of Tampere society. It is based on the previously conducted study "Climate change preparedness and...
Protecting agricultural lands: Transforming a Crisis Into an Opportunity in Nilufer
Transforming a Crisis Into an Opportunity in Nilufer Nilufer’s fertile agricultural lands are gradually decreasing as a result of: climate change, global warming, resource scarcity, pollutions and waste, environmental degradation, biodiversity losses, population...
Kolding Highlights Sustainable Food Systems at Denmark’s Folkemøde
This year the Kolding FUSILLI Living Lab was invited to participate in one of the biggest democratic event in Denmark – the Folkemøde on Bornholm. The Folkemøde is a yearly event which is created in co-operation with political parties, grass rootes, different...
Kharkiv’s safe space: the Second Food Forum
On April 18, 2024, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University hosted the Second Kharkiv Food Forum in Karazin safe space! This year's theme of the forum was: “Kharkiv on the Way to Food Security: Challenges, Risks, and Prospects for Overcoming Them”. Our event...
Castelo Branco signs the MUFPP as part Beira Baixa Intermunicipal Community
On June 5, during World Environment Day, the Beira Baixa Intermunicipal Community signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact in Castelo Branco. This event marked the commitment of eight municipalities to enhance the sustainable food system agenda, joining a network of...
Communal vegetable garden at Athens Home for the Elderly
During June 12 to 17, FUSILLI Athens Team moved on to the creation of a small communal garden in the City of Athens Home for the Elderly in Ampelokipoi area. The garden was created in cooperation with the staff and board of directors of the Home for the Elderly,...
FUSILLI’s Expanding Influence: “We act as ambassadors for a sustainable and inclusive food system”
The FUSILLI project steers European urban areas towards sustainable food systems and supports urban policies that promote them. A total of 34 partners from 12 cities and other organisations have been working on the topic for 3.5 years. One of the most important...
Intelligent Waste Bins: Pilot project aims to reduce food waste in Differdange
The city of Differdange is taking a big step towards data driven food waste management with its new pilot project, a result of shared decision making between the municipality and the Differdange Food Council. The initiative uses smart bins to track and reduce food...