Food2030 Project Family

The EU Food 2030 Project Family

Working together to accelerate and enhance the transformation of the EU food system

The EU FOOD 2030 Project Family comprises five EU Horizon projects that collaborate to coordinate synergistic cross-project initiatives:

EU Food 2030 Project Family members

These initiatives are aimed at achieving a sustainable transformation of the European food system, while aligning with the European Commission’s Food2030 and Farm to Fork Strategy.  

📣 New Food2030 Project Family joint publication!

The five projects have established Food System Living Labs (FSLL) which serve as regional catalysts for improving our food systems. They:

  • formulate and implement local food strategies,
  • innovative food policies,
  • exert influence on national policies,
  • actively facilitate food system innovation and pilot projects, while
  • promoting shorter supply chains that bolstering local economies.

Their positive impact extends across all food chain phases, encompassing production, processing, distribution, consumption, food loss and waste management, as well as governance. Thus, to ensure that the positive influence created in our Living Labs can continue to have an impact beyond the length of our projects, this policy brief ensures that the learnings are carried forward into future initiatives.


Food2030 is the EU’s research and innovation policy to transform food systems and ensure everyone has enough affordable and nutritious food to lead a healthy life. Within its ambitions fostering food and nutrition security, it focuses on the following 4 priorities:


Ensuring that nutritious food and water is available, accessible, and affordable for all


Implementation of circular economy principles for sustainable and resource-efficient food systems and minimisation of food losses and waste


Boosting innovation and investment, while empowering communities — leading to new busoness models, value-added products, and goods and services



Building climate smart food systems adaptive to climate change, conserving natural resources and contributing to climate change mitigation

Each project involves cities in the food system transformation through Food System Living Labs. These Living Labs allow co-creation of solutions through active engagement of players in the urban food system. Altogether there are 50 cities taking part in the projects!


Find out more about FUSILLI’s fellow Food2030 projects: