CARTIF Technology Centre
CARTIF also advises public administrations (city councils and regional governments) in the planning and development of innovative projects with high economic returns. Since its foundation in 1994, the centre has pursued the same values and objectives: The main one is to contribute to the development of the economic and social environment through the use and promotion of technological innovation and through the development and dissemination of research. CARTIF is a multidisciplinary centre that develops its activity in multiple areas of knowledge focused on almost all economic sectors: energy, food, industry, construction and infrastructures, health and environment, with technological lines that respond to the main challenges in each of these sectors, such as smart grids, smart cities, energy efficiency, heritage, quality of life, circular economy, natural resources and biotechnology.
CARTIF has laboratories that provide analysis services to the centre itself and externally through a wide range of tests in areas such as energy, food, materials, manufacturing or 3D Digitization. It has laboratories such as Solid Biofuels and Materials, which have achieved accreditation under strict quality systems.