Fomento San Sebastian
Donostiako Sustapena
Fomento de San Sebastián
Fomento San Sebastián is a public municipal company dedicated to the promotion and the economic and social development of the city through innovation, the generation and transformation of knowledge, networking, and the promotion and management of projects, all in accordance with criteria of sustainability.
Action policies:
- SUSTAINABILITY: economical, environmental and social.
- INNOVATION: new economics, knowledge, creative and cohesive economics.
- COOPERATION – COLLABORATION: formal, informal, internal, local, external.
Role in the project
Fomento de San Sebastian is the organisation that promotes the economic development of the city of San Sebastian. It is one of the 12 EUROPEAN CITIES that are part of the knowledge exchange and learning network, which aims to address the challenges of food system transformation in the Fusilli project.
In addition, Fomento San Sebastian is leading Work Package 3 which aims to develop and implement integrated food systems policies (urban food plan) and associated actions (action plan) to achieve effective food system transformation.