Nilufer Municipality
Nilufer Belediyesi
As per 2020 census, 484.832 people are living in Nilufer. The age distribution of the population is 28% aged 0-19; 62% aged 20-59; 10% aged 60 and over. The change during the years and the low average age in the population structure, demonstrates that the district is the most rapidly urbanizing region of Bursa. As of today, within the 50.756-hectare land of Nilufer, there are 64 neighbourhoods. Nilufer district is hosting the first settlement in Bursa Region as per some researchers bears the traces of both Byzantine and Ottoman and the older periods in history. As it is a new developed district, you cannot find historical buildings in the city center of Nilufer. But there are lots of ruins and historical structures within the villages and neighbourhoods bounded to Nilufer.