Roma Capitale
Roma Capitale is the local municipality government for the city of Rome: an area of 1,287.36 km², 2.87 million inhabitants, the largest agricultural municipality in Europe. More than 65% of Rome‘s territory is green area, half of which is used for agricultural activities, thus improving urban resilience. Initiatives of active citizenship list more than 3,200 plots of community gardens, crucial aspect of the urban metabolism and social justice.
In the last years, the number of food networks has increased significantly in terms of short supply chains, farmers’ markets, ethical purchasing groups, box scheme experiences: 33 farmers’ markets; 55 EPGs; 2,656 farms; 744 of which sell directly. Rome was awarded Good Practice City at the 2017 Urbact City Festival for its Resilient Urban Agriculture.
Role in the project
The Capital of Italy is one of the 12 partner cities in the Project. The FUSILLI Food 2030 Living Lab is led by the Development Project and European Funding Department of the City of Rome, technically supported by Risorse per Roma SpA. Many innovative actions have been implemented under European programmes and since 2012 Rome is using this experience to improve its own governance processes.