The Municipally of Kolding
Kolding Kommune
Kolding Kommune is the governmental body of the Municipality of Kolding which is placed in the Southern part of Jutland and Denmark with 15 towns and housing app. 92.000 inhabitants. Kolding City is the largest city in the municipality with 58,000 citizens. The Municipality of Kolding has been working on its sustainability development since the 1970’s and with the Kolding 2030 sustainability strategy, Kolding has committed itself to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. The Climate- and Sustainability department is anchored within the City- and Innovation administration, and responsible for the creation and implementation of the Kolding2030 Sustainability strategy.
The City Council creates the vision, mission and value foundation for the organisation of the municipally. The mayor is the daily leader of the administration and the employees of the municipally implements the decisions from the city council, ensuring that the citizens of Kolding are offered the services they are promised. The working culture of the Municipally of Kolding departs in the vision “Together we design life”, which takes a starting point in the perspective of the citizens and involves both them and other stakeholders in the process.
Role in the project
Kolding Kommune is project partner in FUSILLI project. By using a design approach, Kolding will develop, experiment and test solutions in real-life environments in collaboration with local stakeholders within its Living Lab to gain and provide insights on how to succeed with the transformation of urban food systems which can serve as foundation for implementing future urban food plans in Kolding, the EU and the rest of the world.