The Chiers and Alzette Cross-Border Natural Territory
Territoire Naturel Transfrontalier de la Chiers et de l’Alzette Asbl
TNT is a coherent geographical, historical and cultural area straddling Luxembourg and France. This territory concerns more than 100,000 citizens and covers almost 16,000 hectares on both sides of the border. TNT is also a non-profit association whose members are committed to improve their living environment through concrete actions at local level and an area where nature is seen as a lever for development as well as a constraint, stimulating creativity, inventiveness, excellence and territorial innovation.
Role in the project
- WP1: Task 1.1 Work methodology for FOOD 2030 Living Lab / Task 1.2 multi-actor network
- WP2: Task 2.1 Identification of contemporary integrated urban good food governance practices
- WP3: To develop agro-ecology project to increase local food production within the cross-border territories (France) acquired by the city of Differdange
- WP5: Task 5.2 Cultivation; world experience coaching and learning exchange