Work Package 6

Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of Results


WP 6, which is led by Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, takes care of the dissemination, communication and exploitation of all FUSILLI project results. The project activities, progress and results will be thoroughly and regularly disseminated and communicated to both a professional community as well as the general public, to support the project’s ambitions of sharing the lessons learned to other cities in the EU. For this, a dedicated website, social media activities, promotional materials, news/blog articles, scientific publications, information booklets, newsletters, webinars, videos, etc. will be carried out and supported by all partners. Partners will actively promote the outcomes of the project at regional, national and international events, both physically and digitally.

A framework for exploitation of the results and innovative measures that have been demonstrated in the project’s lifespan will be developed and implemented. The exploitation of project results is based on active intellectual property (IP) management.


At the beginning of the project, a dedicated Dissemination & Communication will be developed, including information about all FUSILLI corporate identity materials, target audiences, key messages and channels as well as selected tools and materials to reach the specific audience groups, especially at the local city levels but also at EU and international levels. A dedicated website, newsletter, social media channels as well as promotional materials (e.g. a postcard, rollups) have been developed to be used by all partners at local and international events and to promote the project and its objectives. Further promotional materials as well as event organization will take place along the course of the project (e.g. a lessons learned cookbook, policy recommendations, city “walkshops”, webinars, a final conference, etc. Joint activities with other projects will be used to exploit synergies and to enable a broad impact.

As part of a dedicated Exploitation Strategy, the exploitable results of the project will be identified and their use (commercial, scientific or other) including IPR management (such as ownership, access rights, knowledge protection) will be clarified.

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum