Work Package 3



The main objective of WP3, led by Fomento de San Sebastián (FSS), is the development and implementation of integrated food system policies (urban food plans) and the associated actions (action plans) to achieve an effective transformation of the food system in the 12 cities involved. A participatory approach directed to all the stakeholders of the food chain will be used for this objective. WP3 works together with WP1 and WP2 and uses a dual structure of Living Labs and Knowledge Communities.

To meet the main objective of WP3, a set of seven tasks has been defined, divided in turn into two main objectives: First, a definition of long-term participatory planning of the urban food system will be established, with the corresponding policies and actions. Second, those actions defined for short-term will be implemented and evaluated to identify the real impact of these actions on the transformation of food systems


  • Creation  of  a detailed roadmap for the development of the urban food planning
  • Definition of policies related to food system at local level
  • Design of the 12 Urban Food Action Plans, designing specific actions at short and long terms
  • Analysis of the links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas in order to define specific policies and actions focused on strengthening urban-rural links
  • Implementation of short-term actions
  • Evaluation of short term actions and feeding KPIs
  • Development of  an ICT Tool for supporting the evaluation process

Donostia San Sebastián