11:00 AM - 12:15 PM CET, 11 April 2024Online

Thursday, 11 April 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CET

Food systems, actors, challenges, and value chains vary widely from city to city, and are influenced in no small way by the citizens and established local initiatives. In this session, we’ll be delving into the pressing challenge of creating alternative spaces for sustainable food existence in urban areas. Our focus will be on exploring how to foster self-sustaining solutions beyond traditional projects. In this 4th edition, we’ll be joined by representatives from the FUSILLI cities of Turin and Kharkiv, offering diverse perspectives on circular food systems and innovative policy solutions amidst war, as well as an external speaker from Brussels who will share insights from the the global framework of the ‘Good Food Strategy’ as a local and sustainable food policy. This webinar promises valuable discussions on promoting sustainability at the local level.

Time is included for panel discussions and Q&A. 

In the meantime, check out the recordings of our previous sessions.



About Hungry for Exchange

In 2023 and 2024, the EU-funded FUSILLI project (Fostering Urban Food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation) organizes 6 public (open) webinar events for a worldwide knowledge community, a sort of community of practice, for anyone interested in or working in the field of urban food system transformation. These webinars are scheduled during lunchtime on the last Thursday of the month, aptly titled Hungry for Exchange, and are flagship events for the knowledge community. 

​​​​​​​During a Hungry for Exchange webinar, 1 initiative, organization, or institution external to the FUSILLI consortium is invited to present during the webinar, as well as 1 or 2 FUSILLI cities, to present their activities and lessons learned and related to a specific ‘food theme’ (e.g. food education, stakeholder engagement, from farm to fork, advocacy, etc.). 


Webinars will be recorded and uploaded to the FUSILLI project website.


More information about FUSILLI: FUSILLI – Urban food planning (fusilli-project.eu)