On February 28th and March 1st, 2023, an important two-day meeting took place in Athens, gathering FUSILLI coordinators, Laura Fernandez Casal and Julia Pinedo Gil from Cartif’s Resilience & Sustainability Department, representatives from the municipality of Athens, as well as participants from DAEM (Anonymous Development Company for Computerization & Business Units) at the Serafeio Center.
Objective of the meeting
to discuss and clarify the actions being undertaken by the Municipality and DAEM to develop a sustainable food system in Athens, and to establish effective monitoring mechanisms
The second day of the meeting witnessed active participation from various stakeholders involved in the Athens Food Commission. Representatives from esteemed organizations such as the Athens’ Reception and Solidarity Center (KYADA), the Municipal Clinics and Public Health Directorate, the Green and Urban Wildlife Directorate, the Cleaning-Recycling Directorate, the Athens Development and Tourism Development Agency (ADDMA), and the Environmental Education for primary schools Directorate from the Ministry of Education shared their insightful initiatives and thoughts on the development of FUSILLI activities.
The Athens Food Commission
…is a network consisting of stakeholders internal to the municipality, such as relevant directorates and departments, municipal organisations, public functionaries and elected officials. The commission provides the framework for a sustainable food system in Athens and the agenda for the goals and targets to be considered. In this manner it enables the communication among the participants, facilitating thus potential synergies and coordinated action. AFC assembly operates on a periodic basis, while one to one meetings with regard to specific issues are implemented on an ad hoc basis. In the context of FUSILLI, AFC also aims to lay the foundations for the initiation of the Food Policy Council with the participation of civil society, economy and academia stakeholders.
The proposals presented were particularly insightful and essential for the project and gave motivation to the participants for further action. Consequently, the whole effort gained an even stronger foundation with clearly defined goals for all participants and a framework of a good cooperation.
The meeting motivated all participants to take further action and solidify their commitment to the cause. Participants eagerly anticipate the next steps in implementing the proposed initiatives!