FUSILLI is a Food and Natural Resources project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000717. Over a duration of four years, FUSILLI focuses on supporting cities in their transition towards more sustainable food systems, in line with the FOOD2030 priorities. To achieve this goal, FUSILLI combines the expertise of 34 partners from 13 countries, including cities, universities, SMEs, NGOs, and industries.

Food2030 logo (Credits: Food2030)


Living Labs

The core ambition of FUSILLI is to overcome barriers for developing and implementing integrated, systemic food policies to support this transition in urban, peri-urban and nearby rural areas. These following 12 cities are working together with joint forces on this ambitious tasks:

At the heart of each city will be the development of a Food 2030 Living Lab: Overall 12 Living Labs will operate as open innovation ecosystems with the objective to implement different actions through all stages of the food chain, including production and processing, distribution and logistics, consumption, food loss and waste, as well as governance.


FUSILLI Knowledge Community

Through the FUSILLI Knowledge Community and supported through urban food plans, the partners will identify existing best practices and thus support participating living labs, related initiatives and policy makers in the development of sustainable food systems. The cities will integrate food as a part of their urban-rural agenda and identify and create opportunities to transform food systems into sustainable, healthy, and inclusive systems. Via the open FUSILLI Knowledge Community, cities will thus be empowered to implement innovative and personalised policies and actions, placing citizens in the heart of the process.



The main objective of the 12 Living Labs is to develop urban food plans within their local contexts to achieve an integrated and safe holistic transition towards healthy, sustainable, secure, inclusive and cost-efficient food systems. FUSILLI thus follows a multi-objective approach of implementing feasible and replicable innovative urban policies, which will lead to the improvement of actions in all stages of the food value chain

  • production and processing,
  • distribution and logistics,
  • consumption,
  • food loss and waste and
  • governance.

and in line with the four priorities of the EU’s FOOD2030 policy:

  • nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets,
  • climate-smart and environmentally sustainable food systems,
  • circularity and resource efficient food systems and
  • innovation and empowerment of communities.


FUSILLI further includes all kinds of actors (e.g. farmers, researchers, consumers), policy sectors (e.g. health, agriculture, environment), governance levels (e.g. local, national, global), and functionalities (e.g. healthy diets, access to food, employment, and cultural identity) in its research and policy efforts.

The Living Labs aim to identify best practices on food system transformation and to share them with the FUSILLI Knowledge Community (KC). Through close cooperation with other projects and fellow initiatives, the cities will be empowered as innovation agents for the development of long-term urban food planning throughout learning from each other about successful policies and actions.