21-23 June, 2022Netherlands

Beyond Value Chains

Bridge2Food brings together key leaders from all along the value chain who are working to drive transformation. How do we capitalize on the opportunities the plant-based foods market offers? How do we tackle the challenges of sustainability, affordability and investment? Join us for three days to learn the latest innovations and research, find solutions and strategies, grow your network, and discover where the plant-based sector is heading next.

Who will be there?
Retail, Food Service, Food Industry, Startups, Ingredients and Process Technology Industries, Research Institutes, Universities, Seed Breeders, Agriculture, Feed and Petfood Industries, Financial Institutions including VCs, Governments, Ecosystems, Innovation Networks, Associations, NGOs.
Participation: 600+ experts. Exhibition Max: 50 places.

4-in-1 Summit:
> I: State of the Plant-Based Foods Industry
> II: Startups & Entrepreneur Innovators
> III: Ingredient & Processing Innovations
> IV: Research Investment Agenda 2025